
Abou Akl Valentine Collab

This Valentine, Support local crochet makers and Local Businesses.

Abou Akl have created some lovely Valentine Crochets with Local talented crochet makers When you purchase 1 Abou Akl Bottle (750mL) you get to choose one Valentine crochet.

Two options are available:

1. Love on Top is a crochet bottle cap that would - as Beyonce would say - put the Love on top!

2. Unchain my heart is a heart-shaped crochet that you can choose to add to your keychain or bag. Ray Charles wanted to unchain and not chain his heart, you can choose either 

Shipment and Payment
Cash on Delivery
Or buy it in the store
Arak Abou Akl
Sed El Bouchrieh, Beirut,